See link to Cwrdd â’r Crynwyr: Hwlffordd // Quaker Quest Haverfordwest blog for more information.
3rd Wednesday of the month
Voices of Conscience short films and discussion in Aberteifi/Cardigan
On Wednesday 26th November Cardigan Quaker meeting will be showing the films from the Voices of Conscience series
followed by time to discuss the issues raised.
A warm welcome to all at Canolfan Byd Bychan/Small World Theatre, Aberteifi/Cardigan 7.30pm - there will be tea and coffee served!
The project was initiated by South Wales [Quaker] Area Meeting - the DVDs have teachers notes and have been sent out to all schools and FE colleges in the South Wales area. teachers would be most welcome to this event to explore the ideas.
A link to Small World's information page for address and parking information
you can see the short films here in Cymraeg or English
A link to UK Quakers projects looking at WWI, of particular note are The White Feather Diaries the first instalments have been posted there will be more next year
A warm welcome to all at Canolfan Byd Bychan/Small World Theatre, Aberteifi/Cardigan 7.30pm - there will be tea and coffee served!
The project was initiated by South Wales [Quaker] Area Meeting - the DVDs have teachers notes and have been sent out to all schools and FE colleges in the South Wales area. teachers would be most welcome to this event to explore the ideas.
A link to Small World's information page for address and parking information
you can see the short films here in Cymraeg or English
"This new resource aims to explore a lesser-known aspect of World War I through the true stories of people who made a personal stand against war on grounds of conscience, and who looked for another way. The stories shed light on the World War I period, but are also relevant to contemporary society. They are particularly powerful because they allow ordinary people to tell their own stories, accompanied by photographs and illustrations.
This is a South Wales Area Meeting project of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). It is generously funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, with contributions from South Wales Area Meeting, North Wales Area Meeting, Mid Wales Area Meeting, Southern Marches Area Meeting, Meeting of Friends in Wales, The Spirit of Sulien Trust, Cynefin y Werin and many local Quaker Meetings and Quaker individuals from across Wales and beyond."A link to UK Quakers projects looking at WWI, of particular note are The White Feather Diaries the first instalments have been posted there will be more next year
Forces Watch at Area meeting
South Wales [Quakers] Area Meeting had a bilingual afternoon workshop given by Forces Watch
There is a lot to read but well worth it is you are interested in
a. the age of recruitment to the armed forces in the UK - with parental consent you can sign up from the age of 16 - the UK is the only European that allows sign up before the age of 18
b. and/or the recruitment that goes on in schools
c. and/or "The new tide of militarisation" [this links to a Quaker publication - England & Wales do have different education policies]] in the UK - in schools and general life.
The information from Forces Watch 4 links to pdf documents:
Link to briefing overview that they gave up
Link to Military activities in UK Schools & Colleges: what are the issues & what can you do
And an overview of conscientious objection in the UK armed forces today
Those people who signed up at 16 were more likely to die on active service in Afghanistan than those who sign up later [is this because of their youth or the actual job they end up doing in the armed forces]. Although armed service personnel are not put on the front line until they are 18 there were some notable mistakes with regard to Afghanistan.
There are several issues to think about here and you might not be in agreement with all and some may feel they wish to see the total abolition of the armed forces.
Forces Watch website
Forces Watch on Twitter
Forces Watch on Facebook
There is a lot to read but well worth it is you are interested in
a. the age of recruitment to the armed forces in the UK - with parental consent you can sign up from the age of 16 - the UK is the only European that allows sign up before the age of 18
b. and/or the recruitment that goes on in schools
c. and/or "The new tide of militarisation" [this links to a Quaker publication - England & Wales do have different education policies]] in the UK - in schools and general life.
The information from Forces Watch 4 links to pdf documents:
Link to briefing overview that they gave up
Link to Military activities in UK Schools & Colleges: what are the issues & what can you do
And an overview of conscientious objection in the UK armed forces today
Those people who signed up at 16 were more likely to die on active service in Afghanistan than those who sign up later [is this because of their youth or the actual job they end up doing in the armed forces]. Although armed service personnel are not put on the front line until they are 18 there were some notable mistakes with regard to Afghanistan.
There are several issues to think about here and you might not be in agreement with all and some may feel they wish to see the total abolition of the armed forces.
Forces Watch website
Forces Watch on Twitter
Forces Watch on Facebook
the Swarthmore lecture 2014
If you'd like to just listen
The book "Open for transformation: Being Quaker – the 2014 Swarthmore Lecture" is available from the bookshop at Friend's House - printed or digital formats LINK TO BOOK
Readings at Meeting for worship & other things that came up
Advices & Queries 4
"The Religious Society of Friends is rooted in Christianity and has always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus. How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage? How does Jesus speak to you today? Are you following Jesus' example of love in action? Are you learning from his life the reality and cost of obedience to God? How does his relationship with God challenge and inspire you?"
And at our Meeting for worship for Business we were read a section of Quaker Faith & Practice 3.09 "Participation on meetings for church affairs":
"On taking your seat, try to achieve quietness of mind and spirit. Try to avoid having subcommittees or conversations just as the meeting is about to begin. Turn inwardly to God, praying that the meeting may be guided in the matters before it and that the clerk may be enabled faithfully to discern and record the mind of the meeting."
Being Friends Together was mentioned:
Being Friends Together has been developed by Woodbrooke and Quaker Life to help Friends in meetings to:
"The Religious Society of Friends is rooted in Christianity and has always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus. How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage? How does Jesus speak to you today? Are you following Jesus' example of love in action? Are you learning from his life the reality and cost of obedience to God? How does his relationship with God challenge and inspire you?"
And at our Meeting for worship for Business we were read a section of Quaker Faith & Practice 3.09 "Participation on meetings for church affairs":
"On taking your seat, try to achieve quietness of mind and spirit. Try to avoid having subcommittees or conversations just as the meeting is about to begin. Turn inwardly to God, praying that the meeting may be guided in the matters before it and that the clerk may be enabled faithfully to discern and record the mind of the meeting."
Being Friends Together was mentioned:
Being Friends Together has been developed by Woodbrooke and Quaker Life to help Friends in meetings to:
- develop spiritually, both as individuals and meetings
- learn about aspects of the Quaker and Christian traditions
- develop and express their sense of Quaker identity
- grow as communities
- feel supported to live out Quaker testimony in their lives and localities
- integrate all generations into the life of meetings
Wales remembers the first world war
(An account
of the Commemoration Service held on 4 August 2014 in Cardiff)
It was almost
dark when I walked down the slope to Llandaff Cathedral to attend the National
Service of Commemoration to mark the Centenary of the outbreak of the First
World War. I was there to represent Quakers in Wales and felt slightly
apprehensive. Not because of the surroundings, I had walked down that slope
many times in my pre-Quaker existence, but because these occasions can so
easily turn into a celebration of victory or a glorification of war. I paused
to observe the crowd entering and was pleased to see the religious and cultural
diversity, from Jewish skullcaps to Muslim beards. Here and there a few
policemen for security because the Queen was represented by her cousin the Duke
of Gloucester and his wife.
Cathedral, like St David’s Cathedral, sits in a hollow and is the seat of the
Archbishop of the Church in Wales. It was severely damaged on 2 January 1941,
when a mine was dropped near it during the Cardiff Blitz. Of British
Cathedrals, only Coventry Cathedral was damaged more. Restoration was completed
on 6 August 1960.
The Cathedral
slowly filled with people representing our nation and by 21.30 all 350 seats
were filled. Most people were dressed up with chains of office, decorations and
other adornments. I felt rather plain in my simple black and grey outfit with a
single white poppy for decoration. I found myself seated between a Councillor
with three chains of office and a Member of the House of Lords, who was very
sociable. He noted my white poppy and during the half hour break till the start
of the service at 10pm we had a very amiable and varied discussion. He knew
about Quakers as he had been to a Quaker service in America recently but he was
unaware of Britain’s role in arming Israel, so I enlightened him and asked him
to do whatever he could about this injustice.
today's reading from advices and queries
Come regularly to meeting for worship even when you are angry, depressed, tired or spiritually cold. In the silence ask for and accept the prayerful support of others joined with you in worship. Try to find a spiritual wholeness which encompasses suffering as well as thankfulness and joy. Prayer, springing from a deep place in the heart, may bring healing and unity as nothing else can. Let meeting for worship nourish your whole life.
World Quaker Day October 5th
To Friends
Friends World Committee for
Consultation (FWCC) invites every Quaker meeting and church from around the
world to celebrate WORLD QUAKER DAY (WQD) on October 5, 2014. As the sun rises in each area of the
world we want to remember that Quakers are worshiping through every time zone,
celebrating our deep connections across cultures and Quaker traditions. We are
united in love and can accompany each other on this special day that draws us
together. As we worship, let us hold each other in prayer and thanksgiving, and
let our hymns of praise resound across the world.
The theme Let Your Life Speak:
Living the Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice, connects us to the work we did at the World Conference of Friends in 2012 in Kenya, taking the work forward in the context of our spiritual communities.
FOUR links:
The Kabarak Call as a video - voice and music - the words are below
World Quaker Day website
and resources page
Finding Quakers around the world map
FOUR links:
The Kabarak Call as a video - voice and music - the words are below
World Quaker Day website
and resources page
Finding Quakers around the world map
The Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice
was approved on 24 April 2012 at the Sixth World Conference Friends, held at
Kabarak University near Nakuru, Kenya. It is the culmination of the FWCC World
Consultation on Global Change which was held in 2010 and 2011. It is being
circulated with the Conference Epistle.
"In past times God's Creation restored itself. Now humanity dominates, our growing population consuming more resources than nature can replace. We must change, we must become careful stewards of all life. Earthcare unites traditional Quaker testimonies: peace, equality, simplicity, love, integrity, and justice. Jesus said, "As you have done unto the least... you have done unto me". We are called to work for the peaceable Kingdom of God on the whole earth, in right sharing with all peoples. However few our numbers, we are called to be the salt that flavours and preserves, to be a light in the darkness of greed and destruction.
We have heard of the disappearing snows of Kilimanjaro and glaciers of Bolivia, from which come life-giving waters. We have heard appeals from peoples of the Arctic, Asia and Pacific. We have heard of forests cut down, seasons disrupted, wildlife dying, of land hunger in Africa, of new diseases, droughts, floods, fires, famine and desperate migrations -- this climatic chaos is now worsening. There are wars and rumors of war, job loss, inequality and violence. We fear our neighbors. We waste our children's heritage
All of these are driven by our dominant economic systems -- by greed not need, by worship of the market, by Mammon and Caesar.
Is this how Jesus showed us to live?
: We are called to see what love can do: to love our neighbor as ourselves, to aid the widow and orphan, to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, to appeal to consciences and bind the wounds.
: We are called to teach our children right relationship, to live in harmony with each other and all living beings in the earth, waters and sky of our Creator, who asks, "Where were your when I laid the foundations of the world?" (Job 38:4)
: We are called to do justice to all and walk humbly with our God, to cooperate lovingly with all who share our hopes for the future of the earth.
: We are called to be patterns and examples in a 21st century campaign for peace and ecojustice, as difficult and decisive as the 18th and 19th century drive to abolish slavery.
We dedicate ourselves to let the living waters flow through us -- where we live, regionally, and in wider world fellowship. We dedicate ourselves to building the peace that passeth all understanding, to the repair of the world, opening our lives to the Light to guide us in each small step.
Bwana asifiwe. A pu Dios Awqui. Gracias Jesús. Jubilé. Salaam aleikum. Migwetch. Tikkun olam. Alleluia!"
"In past times God's Creation restored itself. Now humanity dominates, our growing population consuming more resources than nature can replace. We must change, we must become careful stewards of all life. Earthcare unites traditional Quaker testimonies: peace, equality, simplicity, love, integrity, and justice. Jesus said, "As you have done unto the least... you have done unto me". We are called to work for the peaceable Kingdom of God on the whole earth, in right sharing with all peoples. However few our numbers, we are called to be the salt that flavours and preserves, to be a light in the darkness of greed and destruction.
We have heard of the disappearing snows of Kilimanjaro and glaciers of Bolivia, from which come life-giving waters. We have heard appeals from peoples of the Arctic, Asia and Pacific. We have heard of forests cut down, seasons disrupted, wildlife dying, of land hunger in Africa, of new diseases, droughts, floods, fires, famine and desperate migrations -- this climatic chaos is now worsening. There are wars and rumors of war, job loss, inequality and violence. We fear our neighbors. We waste our children's heritage
All of these are driven by our dominant economic systems -- by greed not need, by worship of the market, by Mammon and Caesar.
Is this how Jesus showed us to live?
: We are called to see what love can do: to love our neighbor as ourselves, to aid the widow and orphan, to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, to appeal to consciences and bind the wounds.
: We are called to teach our children right relationship, to live in harmony with each other and all living beings in the earth, waters and sky of our Creator, who asks, "Where were your when I laid the foundations of the world?" (Job 38:4)
: We are called to do justice to all and walk humbly with our God, to cooperate lovingly with all who share our hopes for the future of the earth.
: We are called to be patterns and examples in a 21st century campaign for peace and ecojustice, as difficult and decisive as the 18th and 19th century drive to abolish slavery.
We dedicate ourselves to let the living waters flow through us -- where we live, regionally, and in wider world fellowship. We dedicate ourselves to building the peace that passeth all understanding, to the repair of the world, opening our lives to the Light to guide us in each small step.
Bwana asifiwe. A pu Dios Awqui. Gracias Jesús. Jubilé. Salaam aleikum. Migwetch. Tikkun olam. Alleluia!"
World Quaker day on
Friends world committee for Consultation
World map of where most Quakers are & pie chart of religions - and none - in world!
The White feather Diaries
A project from Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain:
The white feather diaries is a social media storytelling project marking the centenary of World War I. It offers an insight into overlooked aspects of war: resistance to killing and the relief of suffering.
The website follows the lives of five young people who lived a century ago and opposed World War I. Their stories, published periodically over three years, take us from the outbreak of war to the introduction of conscription and groundbreaking legislation recognising conscientious objection. Through daily posts we share their moral dilemmas and their often dangerous decisions.
For those wanting to delve further into these fascinating stories, each blog entry includes rich background material about the content of the post or the diarist and their contemporaries.
The white feather diaries sheds light on the hidden stories of those whose bravery saved lives and changed British legislation, leading to a wider recognition of the legitimacy of the right to refuse to kill. It poses the question, "What would you do?" and encourages discussion about issues still relevant today. This fascinating project, drawing from original diaries, letters and other materials, will run from 2014 to 2016. To stay informed about new posts, please follow The white feather diaries on Twitter or Facebook.
A link to the diaries
The white feather diaries is a social media storytelling project marking the centenary of World War I. It offers an insight into overlooked aspects of war: resistance to killing and the relief of suffering.
The website follows the lives of five young people who lived a century ago and opposed World War I. Their stories, published periodically over three years, take us from the outbreak of war to the introduction of conscription and groundbreaking legislation recognising conscientious objection. Through daily posts we share their moral dilemmas and their often dangerous decisions.
For those wanting to delve further into these fascinating stories, each blog entry includes rich background material about the content of the post or the diarist and their contemporaries.
The white feather diaries sheds light on the hidden stories of those whose bravery saved lives and changed British legislation, leading to a wider recognition of the legitimacy of the right to refuse to kill. It poses the question, "What would you do?" and encourages discussion about issues still relevant today. This fascinating project, drawing from original diaries, letters and other materials, will run from 2014 to 2016. To stay informed about new posts, please follow The white feather diaries on Twitter or Facebook.
A link to the diaries
Post Quaker Yearly Meeting
British Quaker Yearly Meeting was held in Bath.
Some links:
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting can be found here:
2014 Epistle
The George Gorman Lecture 2014 Equality: Is it what we really think? [very good]
In short sections at this link
There was also a statement on the situation in Gaza
Quakers urge recognition of Palestine
Also here is the news release for the Swarthmore lecture
Finally Thought for the Day on BBC 4 on 6th August [Hiroshima anniversary] from Geoffrey Durham link here
Some links:
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting can be found here:
2014 Epistle
The George Gorman Lecture 2014 Equality: Is it what we really think? [very good]
In short sections at this link
There was also a statement on the situation in Gaza
Quakers urge recognition of Palestine
Also here is the news release for the Swarthmore lecture
Finally Thought for the Day on BBC 4 on 6th August [Hiroshima anniversary] from Geoffrey Durham link here
European and Middle East Section of the Friends World Committee for Consultation
Here is a link to Among Friends Summer 2014 [a PDF] from the European and Middle East Section of the Friends World Committee for Consultation [EMES]
the annual meeting of the EMES
the Human Impacts of Climate Change
John Henry Barlow, Quaker Man of Peace
Testimony to him in Quaker Faith & Practice: 18.12
the annual meeting of the EMES
the Human Impacts of Climate Change
John Henry Barlow, Quaker Man of Peace
Testimony to him in Quaker Faith & Practice: 18.12
Testimony concerning John Henry Barlow (1855–1924):
Resolute but cautious, judicial and yet sympathetic, a man of quiet strength and almost stern gravity, and yet with a very tender spirit beneath apparent severity, a man slow to take the initiative, yet vigilant and constant in the discharge of responsibilities which were laid upon him – such was John Henry Barlow… His character and his faith qualified him to render invaluable service to the Society as clerk of [London] Yearly Meeting from 1913 to 1919. During these troubled and perplexing years when feelings were often strained and patience nigh to breaking point, when new elements of enthusiastic life were beginning to emerge in the Society, John Barlow showed himself to be a true leader, by promoting real harmony without compromise. ‘He had a great gift in knowing, during those difficult war years, just when the Meeting had got to a place where it might step quite swiftly into a region higher and clearer than itself realised it was yet ready for, and he helped it to take the step by offering minutes which, while they did not compromise, did not on the other hand rouse factious opposition nor lead to subsequent reaction by any over-stressing or labouring of words’.
Warwickshire North Monthly Meeting, 1924
EMES website
Resolute but cautious, judicial and yet sympathetic, a man of quiet strength and almost stern gravity, and yet with a very tender spirit beneath apparent severity, a man slow to take the initiative, yet vigilant and constant in the discharge of responsibilities which were laid upon him – such was John Henry Barlow… His character and his faith qualified him to render invaluable service to the Society as clerk of [London] Yearly Meeting from 1913 to 1919. During these troubled and perplexing years when feelings were often strained and patience nigh to breaking point, when new elements of enthusiastic life were beginning to emerge in the Society, John Barlow showed himself to be a true leader, by promoting real harmony without compromise. ‘He had a great gift in knowing, during those difficult war years, just when the Meeting had got to a place where it might step quite swiftly into a region higher and clearer than itself realised it was yet ready for, and he helped it to take the step by offering minutes which, while they did not compromise, did not on the other hand rouse factious opposition nor lead to subsequent reaction by any over-stressing or labouring of words’.
Warwickshire North Monthly Meeting, 1924
EMES website
Y Ffordd Dawel? The Quiet Way?
What being a Quaker means to people in Wales today.
Beth mae bod yn Grynwr yn ei olygu i bobl yng Nghymru heddiw.
Here is a series of conversations by people living in Wales exploring their own experience of Quakerism and what it means to them.
Dyma gyfres o sgyrsiau gan bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru, ac yn ymchwilio i'w profiad unigol o Grynwriaeth â'r hyn y mae'n ei olygu iddynt.
Beth mae bod yn Grynwr yn ei olygu i bobl yng Nghymru heddiw.
Here is a series of conversations by people living in Wales exploring their own experience of Quakerism and what it means to them.
Dyma gyfres o sgyrsiau gan bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru, ac yn ymchwilio i'w profiad unigol o Grynwriaeth â'r hyn y mae'n ei olygu iddynt.
where to begin with peace and conflict
Ministry at meeting, [which was deeply silent at times] on Sunday 27th July very much settled on conflict, poignant reactions of sadness but also optimism, about the current situation in Gaza but also a reading from Quaker Faith & Practice*, a section of 24.10 [Section 24 starts with our peace testimony and many other statements and questions on peace, conflict & reconciliation] asking us to look to our own lives:
"We urge all ... to have the courage to face up to the mess humans are making of our world and to have the faith and diligence to cleanse it and restore the order intended by God.
We must start with our own hearts and minds. Wars will stop only when each of us is convinced that war is never the way.
The places to begin acquiring the skills and maturity and generosity to avoid or to resolve conflicts are in our own homes, our personal relationships, our schools, our workplaces, and wherever decisions are made.
We must relinquish the desire to own other people, to have power over them, and to force our views on to them. We must own up to our own negative side and not look for scapegoats to blame, punish, or exclude. We must resist the urge towards waste and the accumulation of possessions.
Conflicts are inevitable and must not be repressed or ignored but worked through painfully and carefully. We must develop the skills of being sensitive to oppression and grievances, sharing power in decision-making, creating consensus, and making reparation.
In speaking out, we acknowledge that we ourselves are as limited and as erring as anyone else. When put to the test, we each may fall short."

* The book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain
"We urge all ... to have the courage to face up to the mess humans are making of our world and to have the faith and diligence to cleanse it and restore the order intended by God.
We must start with our own hearts and minds. Wars will stop only when each of us is convinced that war is never the way.
The places to begin acquiring the skills and maturity and generosity to avoid or to resolve conflicts are in our own homes, our personal relationships, our schools, our workplaces, and wherever decisions are made.
We must relinquish the desire to own other people, to have power over them, and to force our views on to them. We must own up to our own negative side and not look for scapegoats to blame, punish, or exclude. We must resist the urge towards waste and the accumulation of possessions.
Conflicts are inevitable and must not be repressed or ignored but worked through painfully and carefully. We must develop the skills of being sensitive to oppression and grievances, sharing power in decision-making, creating consensus, and making reparation.
In speaking out, we acknowledge that we ourselves are as limited and as erring as anyone else. When put to the test, we each may fall short."

* The book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain
Sutton Burial Ground, Hwlffordd / Haverfordwest
Sutton Friends' Burial Ground comes under the care of South Wales Area Meeting. It is within the local community of Sutton just to the west of Hwlffordd / Haverfordwest.
Cardigan Meeting have arranged an after meeting for worship picnic there on July 27th 2014 & we warmly invite any members of Area Meeting to join us there" after 2pm

To see some more photos from the site PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK
Cardigan Meeting have arranged an after meeting for worship picnic there on July 27th 2014 & we warmly invite any members of Area Meeting to join us there" after 2pm

Bring : stout shoes; a blanket/cushions/seat; a brolly; food
to share; Friends, friends and YOURSELF !
(Warning: the site is enchanting, Romantic, Gothic even,
& in parts very overgrown. Those with mobility problems should stick to the
flatter, brighter areas. )
You will be relieved to know that a ‘COMFORT STATION’ or ‘LOO’ TENT
will be provided on site!
If you search Sutton, Haverfordwest on Google maps you will get something like the image below - the burial ground has been marked by me not Google!

To see some more photos from the site PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK
Voices of Conscience
Conscientious Objectors in WW1: South Wales [Quaker] Area Meeting have made a DVD of short films - and teachers notes that has been sent out to all schools and FE colleges in the South Wales area.
you can see the short pieces here in Cymraeg or English
link to QUAKERS UK and WW1
you can see the short pieces here in Cymraeg or English
"This new resource aims to explore a lesser-known aspect of World War I through the true stories of people who made a personal stand against war on grounds of conscience, and who looked for another way. The stories shed light on the World War I period, but are also relevant to contemporary society. They are particularly powerful because they allow ordinary people to tell their own stories, accompanied by photographs and illustrations.
This is a South Wales Area Meeting project of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). It is generously funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, with contributions from South Wales Area Meeting, North Wales Area Meeting, Mid Wales Area Meeting, Southern Marches Area Meeting, Meeting of Friends in Wales, The Spirit of Sulien Trust, Cynefin y Werin and many local Quaker Meetings and Quaker individuals from across Wales and beyond."link to QUAKERS UK and WW1
Poetry Evening Aberteifi/Cardigan
Cardigan Quaker meeting are having a poetry evening on Saturday 26th April starting at 7.30pm
The evening is entitled Commemorative War Poetry. The initial idea was to explore the poetry of the first world war but it has now broadened.
All are welcome and please do bring a poem in whatever language you wish - the topic is broad enough to include poems of peace.
Free refreshments.
All at Mwldan 4/ Mwldan Studio - across the stream from the main Theatr Mwldan building.
The evening is entitled Commemorative War Poetry. The initial idea was to explore the poetry of the first world war but it has now broadened.
All are welcome and please do bring a poem in whatever language you wish - the topic is broad enough to include poems of peace.
Free refreshments.
All at Mwldan 4/ Mwldan Studio - across the stream from the main Theatr Mwldan building.

I was born of a Quaker family and married a Quaker. My wife Joan and I moved from Cardiff to Cardigan in 1997 and have worshipped with this group in several different locations. In that time many people have been welcomed into the Meeting and many have moved away. Some have decided Quakerism is not for them but we hope they all found a welcome.
For some time we have met weekly at Theatr Mwldan, since it opened studio 4 across the stream that where we meet at 10.30. At 11.30 we come over to the café for coffee and a chat. You could always joins us over coffee before experimenting with silent worship.
For some time we have met weekly at Theatr Mwldan, since it opened studio 4 across the stream that where we meet at 10.30. At 11.30 we come over to the café for coffee and a chat. You could always joins us over coffee before experimenting with silent worship.
Introduction // Cyflwyniad
Croeso // Welcome
The Cardigan Quaker meeting is a small meeting in south west Wales, part of South Wales Area meeting.
We meet every Sunday to start a Meeting for Worship at 11.00
We are usually based in the studio of Theatr Mwldan, Bath House Road,Cardigan SA43 1JY. This is across the Mwldan stream on the west side from the main Theatr Mwldan complex.
The car park behind Theatr Mwldan is pay and display and long stay; if you turn left over the bridge instead of into car park you will find free parking for users of the buildings where the studio is situated. But you will have to walk back round to the "side" entrance as the main doors remain locked on Sundays. The map below is from google maps & doesn't show the new roads only as proposed.
If you don't drive contact us to see if anyone can give you a lift.
Here are some links to some relevant leaflets from
Your first time at a Quaker meeting
[please note for the next two links: read page 2'll understand when you get there!]
Quaker worship
Quakers today
The Cardigan Quaker meeting is a small meeting in south west Wales, part of South Wales Area meeting.
We meet every Sunday to start a Meeting for Worship at 11.00
We are usually based in the studio of Theatr Mwldan, Bath House Road,Cardigan SA43 1JY. This is across the Mwldan stream on the west side from the main Theatr Mwldan complex.
The car park behind Theatr Mwldan is pay and display and long stay; if you turn left over the bridge instead of into car park you will find free parking for users of the buildings where the studio is situated. But you will have to walk back round to the "side" entrance as the main doors remain locked on Sundays. The map below is from google maps & doesn't show the new roads only as proposed.
If you don't drive contact us to see if anyone can give you a lift.
Here are some links to some relevant leaflets from
Your first time at a Quaker meeting
[please note for the next two links: read page 2'll understand when you get there!]
Quaker worship
Quakers today
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