World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. It is held on the first Friday in March - 6th in 2015
This prayer was read out some weeks ago in Meeting for Worship
Prayer for faithful and fruitful
Dear God, Spirit of transparent love:
Grant us courageous attention,
Help us accept the mystery of your will.
Teach us to be helpful, gentle and persistent,
Help us awaken to your patience.
Keep us open, honest and adjustable,
Help us be flexible instruments, humbly altruistic.
Forgive our immodest pretensions,
Help us let go of harmful judgments.
With Christ Jesus as our guide,
Help us in our relationship to others.
Release us from desire to control,
Help us create harmony as agents of your design.
You are the awe inspiring power of good,
Help us work in mirthful serenity, a selfless joy.
Serving aware of your call for Peace among us,
Help us listen to each other, seeking your voice.
Friends World Committee for Consultation: Americas section. 2014 Link to publication