conscience: taxes for peace not war works for a world where taxes are used to nurture peace, not pay for war.
We campaign for a progressive increase in the amount of UK tax spent on peacebuilding, and a corresponding decrease in the amount spent on war and preparation for war. We also campaign for the legal right of those with a conscientious objection to war to have the entire military part of their taxes spent on peacebuilding.
A link to the page where you can apply for a form for registering as a CO with regards to your taxes
41 members of staff from BYM representing their personal concerns and not that of Quakers in Britain as a whole, signed the letter which requested, ‘…that the part of our taxes that is currently used for military purposes be diverted to a special fund which is used only for non-military forms of security.’
In response to their letter the staff were told, ‘… as the law stands there are no provisions for taxpayers to withhold tax on grounds of conscience, or to decide which part of Government expenditure they would like their payments to be allocated to.’
to read the rest follow the link above...