
Advices & Queries 30/05/2018 Cynghorion a Holiadau

27. Live adventurously. When choices arise, do you take the way that offers the fullest opportunity for the use of your gifts in the service of God and the community? Let your life speak. When decisions have to be made, are you ready to join with others in seeking clearness, asking for God’s guidance and offering counsel to one another?
28. Every stage of our lives offers fresh opportunities. Responding to divine guidance, try to discern the right time to undertake or relinquish responsibilities without undue pride or guilt. Attend to what love requires of you, which may not be great busyness.
27. Byddwch fyw yn anturus. Pan fo modd dewis, a ddewiswch y llwybr a rydd ichwi fwyaf o gyfle i ddefnyddio’ch doniau yng ngwasanaeth Duw a’r gymuned? Boed i’ch bywyd lefaru. Pan fo’n rhaid penderfynu, a ydych yn barod i ymuno ag eraill wrth chwilio am lwybr eglur, gan ofyn am arweiniad Duw a chan gynnig cyngor y naill i’r llall?
28. Ym mhob gris yn ein bywyd y mae cyfleusterau newydd o hyd. Gan ymateb i arweiniad dwyfol, ceisiwch ymglywed รข’r adeg briodol i ysgwyddo neu i drosglwyddo cyfrifoldebau heb falchder nac euogrwydd amhriodol. Gofalwch am yr hyn a ofyn cariad oddi arnoch; efallai nad prysurdeb mawr mo hynny.

Photo: blog author at our Friend's house where we held a well attended Meeting for Worship

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